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Upload your Naija homemade porn video
Showcase your homemade XXX Naija video in the Best Naija Porn Tube. You can now send us the latest Naija porn that you would like the world to see through NaijaClips.com. Make sure you follow the rules mentioned below that could make Naija Clips a better place for everyone.
You may upload your videos to StreamTape.com, File-Upload.com, or Videoza.net and send us the URL links to with Subject as “Video Submission” along with the video description. Let us know if you need to show any name credits. [PS: Approved videos would go live within 7 days of submission. Kindly do NOT report or resubmit]
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- Only videos with Face exposed/shown will be published (No masked videos please)
- Accepted video formats (Mp4, Avi, Mpeg, Mov, 3gp) (Only videos please). Compressed RAR or ZIP files will be discarded.
- Preferred size/duration: Size less than 250Mb and duration more than 30 seconds.
- Only African genre porn content.
- We do NOT accept/entertain underage porn.
- Avoid Rape videos, Bestiality videos, and Violence.
- Make sure you have the right to the video.
- No watermarked videos, please.
- Are you yet another baba who has got the latest Naija porn videos to share daily; then you can showcase it in a special exclusive category/tag under your name in NaijaClips. For long term daily video submissions; do contact us using the contact us page.
– NaijaClips.com